OCM Magazine

A community-driven publication highlighting Bitcoin Ordinals and OnChainMonkey.

Featured Articles

“OnChainMonkey is building a wealthy digital nation, where community members are enriched to achieve wealth in all areas of their lives, as well as contribute to the greater good of the world.

You are meant to be here for a specific reason and we couldn’t be more excited. OCM Member or not, feel free to browse through this publication for detailed updates and information related to OnChainMonkey.

Welcome to OCM Magazine. Let’s !RISE together.”

-Ken Melendez, Editor-in-Chief

Genesis and Karma

are your passports to the Monkeyverse.

Imagine the most beautiful skies, trees, beaches, and water like you’ve never seen before. A place where opportunity runs rampant, and holders are equipped to chase after their dreams. A place where serving one another is encouraged to help make the world a better place to live in.

That, is the Monkeyverse… a wealthy digital nation where inhabitants value respect, integrity, sustainability, and enrichment above all else. OCM Genesis and Karma holders get a first-class ticket to the monkeyverse to not only become wealthy themselves, but also to contribute to the greater good of mankind.


is the engine that keeps OnChainMonkey running

represented by Danny Yang, Amanda Terry, and Bill Tai.

Investors include Charlie Lee, Woody Harrelson, and Owen Wilson among others.

If you can dream it, you can build it. The Monkeyverse awaits.


is OCM Magazine