Banana Giveaway - Celebrating the Genesis Migration

Aaaannndddd we’re back with another banana giveaway for email subscribers to help stimulate the banana economy!

In light of the Genesis migration to Bitcoin this month, OCM Magazine is giving away 300 bananas!

Thank you all for your support and encouragement this year as we continue to build out this publication and help make OnChainMonkey known throughout the globe.

What is this all about?

We want to help create more buzz around the Genesis migration to Bitcoin, as it is the first time in history that a feat of this magnitude has been attempted.

OCMM is looking for hungry monkeys to create awesome Bitcoin migration articles for us to publish and promote on our website, email list, and X feed.

What is being given away?

100 bananas each to 3 different community members.

Plus, the winners’ articles will each be featured prominently on the magazine site.

Steps to enter

Here is a breakdown of what needs done to enter the giveaway:

  1. Compose an article - minimum of 500 words (can be more of course)

  2. Include your full “X handle” and “Discord handle” at the bottom of the article

  3. Send that article in editable Word format to

  4. Submissions must be received no later than Wednesday, November 15th.

Topics to spark ideas for your article

-Top 3 reasons why the Genesis migration is a big deal

-Why am I looking forward to moving my monkeys to Bitcoin

-What does this migration mean for the broader NFT market

-Explain this migration like you are talking to my 80-year old grandmother

-Why should Bitcoin miners / maxi’s be jacked about Ordinals

-or… make up your own topic that gets you excited!

What if my article doesn’t win?

If your article does not get chosen to be featured, don’t worry. We will still utilize that content elsewhere. Plus, you may receive a consolation prize in bananas just for participating ;)

That’s it!

Thank you in advance for preparing a meaningful article to help spread the word about the Genesis migration this month. Please take your time and submit by Wednesday, November 15th. Submissions will be reviewed, then winners will be notified via our official X account.

Good luck and happy writing!


The Bots are Coming!


OCM News Flash 8-9-23