1-on-1 Interview w/ RabbiGains.eth
Twitter - @RabbiGains
Interview and article created by: J (@J25dunn)
Full Disclosure: I know RabbiGains outside of the OCM community & am happy to call him a friend.
Let’s Focus
Welcome to Let’s Focus. This time I (J25Dunn) had the pleasure of sitting down virtually with RabbiGains of the OnChainMonkey (OCM) community. Rabbi has been developing some interesting tools that are helpful to collectors/traders, lore development of OCMs, and an OCM Sales & Alerts bot.
Along with teases of new features for existing items, Rabbi also discusses a new tool that at the time of our recording was not yet launched. However, the new tool did indeed launch shortly after our interview while OCMM was working on final publication. Let’s dive in!
RabbiGains’ Genesis PFP on Twitter
Audio Conversation
Rabbi’s Background
At the beginning of our conversation, we discuss Rabbi’s start in the world of crypto. RabbiGains made his first purchase of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2012. At that time, most exchanges were overseas and/or very new to the market. When combined with a broad skepticism of cryptocurrency, most financial institutions were hesitant to conduct transactions with these crypto exchanges.
Rabbi jumped through the hoops of getting a prepaid credit card (Centralized) to then send it to someone on the internet and hope they returned an equivalent market rate of BTC. Not the most elegant onboarding system.
BTC – Micro-transactions Start-up
Due to RabbiGains’ early experiences with buying and selling BTC, Rabbi began to notice a hole in the market. In 2013, Rabbi started a company that would allow users to complete purchases of BTC under $25US. This was an opportunity for interested parties to try out crypto, at the time only BTC, but on a micro scale learning more about how the BTC ecosystem worked in the early days.
Interesting note, Signature Bank, which has been in the news lately, was the one bank Rabbi was able to process transactions with out of the dozens he contacted.
ETH – ICO Launchpad
By 2017, Ethereum (ETH) had come onto the cryptocurrency stage with the added sophistication of smart contracts. This was an intriguing innovation in the crypto space and would later flourish into the non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem along several other decentralized projects utilizing smart contracts.
An early, exciting period of the ETH ecosystem was during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) boom. RabbiGains saw an opportunity to provide an infrastructure for projects to launch their new tokens which now has become a more common term in the NFT/crypto space as launchpads.
NFT & OCM Beginnings
As RabbiGains’ pinned tweet says, “Early to Bitcoin, On time to NFTs…”. Rabbi became more interested in NFTs in the summer of 2021 after the Bored Ape Yacht Club had become the upstart story of the NFT world and Cryptopunks were considered the OG collection. The connection between art and technology eventually clicked even if Rabbi feels that he may have been a bit behind the curve on ‘getting’ NFTs.
“We’re just on time” as his tweet indicates. While learning more about the space, this little Simple Vector Graphic (SVG) of Monkeys was unearthed while sifting through various projects. With Rabbi’s interest in coding and dev works in the past, this SVG OnChainMonkey Genesis pfp collection caught his attention. Shortly after mint, Rabbi grabbed a few for himself and introduced me to OCM. For this, I will be forever appreciative.
RabbiGains’ first tool created for the OCM community was a browser extension Dessert Indicator tool, making it easy to view OCM listings on the OpenSea and Blur marketplaces. The Dessert Indicator tool allows the user to toggle on/off to see which Genesis OCMs have eaten desserts or not.
The browser extension is lightweight and easy to install while also working on both Chrome and Brave browsers currently. This is an amazingly useful tool for traders and collectors alike. For those searching for an OCM rare trait Genesis, the deciding factor may be whether they have eaten desserts or not. Traders can also seek out arbitrage that may be in the market using the Dessert Indicator tool for unfed Genesis monkeys.
Next, Rabbi noticed the low number of OCM that have a backstory on the OCM Website. Currently, there are only 400 or so OCMs that have a backstory. Rabbi felt it was time to expand the lore of the Monkeyverse. Using OpenAI and your imagination, anyone can create a personalized backstory for your OCM in 60 seconds using the OCM Backstory Generator.
If you haven’t seen it yet, even OCM#0003 used this backstory generator. Awesome to see tools that everyday users and founders can use to add value. If you haven’t made your own backstory, check out this handy tool. It’s fun to see a few different ones and how they turn out.
Danny Yang tweeting about the Backstory Generator tool
In a similar theme to the Dessert Indicator tool, RabbiGains was curious about information on how many Incredible Ice Pops & Divine Donuts were still uneaten. While building out a bot to monitor desserts and tweet out that information, Rabbi also added all Genesis, Karma and Dessert sales. Another tool to give out information to the OCM community and hopefully a few new eyeballs along the way for those interested soon to be OCM Monkeys.
OCM Sales and Alerts tool
Alpha from Rabbi
The Dessert Indicator tool will have a Dimensions icon to the lightweight extension added ASAP after the Dimensions mint. This will add yet another layer to an existing tool on the ETH blockchain with the new Dimensions drop on the BTC blockchain.
Very cool!
At the time of the recording, this tool was mentioned as ‘alpha’. But by the time of the OCMM release, RabbiGains let the cat out of the bag. Why make the community wait any longer for this very impressive tool, right? MyOCMAlerts is a notification service where you can customize alerts for OCM sales and listings based on filters like wallet address, OCM ID#, trait, and much more.
Receive personalized alerts for any OCM activity. Track wallets, traits, grail OCMs, listings, sales, and more. Create your first alert for FREE. Additional alerts starting at 10 Bananas, not a bad way to kick things off!
In conclusion, I want to give thanks to RabbiGains for the work he has provided to the OCM community and sharing it with us on OCMM. We hope to hear about the next wave of impressive tools down the road.
As always, remember…
Keep your eyes… on the !RISE